Reference Model: None
These error code explanations can help you diagnose a problem with your Whirlpool refrigerator.
Code | Meaning | Possible Cause |
E0 | Ice maker fault (if equipped) | The ice maker in my appliance is not working correctly |
E1 | Refrigerator sensor fault | Replace sensor |
E2 | Freezer compartment thermistor failure | The compartment temperature in my freezer is incorrect |
E3 | Defrost sensor fault | The compartment temperature in my fridge is incorrect (Check the defrost drainpipe of the refrigerator to be sure nothing is blocking it. Clear it of dirt and other debris.) |
E4 | Fridge defrost sensor fault | The compartment temperature in my fridge is incorrect |
E5 | Freezer defrost sensor fault | The compartment temperature in my freezer is incorrect |
E6 | Main control-board and display board fault | The display or controls on my appliance are not operating correctly |
E7 | Environmental temperature sensor fault | A number of things affecting the temperature in your appliance could be happening if you see this error code displayed |
E8 | Environmental temperature sensor fault | A number of things affecting the temperature in your appliance could be happening if you see this error code displayed |
E9 | Freezer high temperature alarm | The freezer door may have been left open which has resulted in the food in freezer defrosting - Check to see if your door is closed properly |
EE | Ice maker circuit fault (if equipped) | The ice maker in my appliance is not working correctly |
Code | Meaning | Possible Cause |
P0 | Power Outage | This error code means power outage. The indicator for power outage will come on if there is no supply of power to the refrigerator and the temperature in the freezer is rising. A tone will chime 3 times and Confirm will keep flashing until you press Measured Fill to acknowledge the power outage. Once confirmed, the error code -PO- will vanish from the display |
6 on the Refrigerator Display | Control Board failure | There is a computer error in the refrigerator if you see this error code. Unplug the refrigerator for about 5 minutes and plug it back. If the error code appears again, then the main control board has a fault. Consider replacing it |
6 (Flashing) on the Refrigerator Display | This means that the refrigerator is too warm or that the temperature is rising | It could happen when you put food that is too hot in the unit or the door is left open for too long - Close the door well if it is not closed properly. Additionally, remove hot from the refrigerator and allow it cool before putting it back in. then, give the refrigerator time to cool and the error code will hopefully disappear |
C on the Refrigerator Display | This indicates that the thermistor of the refrigerator section is faulty | Unplug the unit and check the wire harness. If it is loose, connect it again. But if it is not, consider replacing the thermistor. |
C on the Freezer Display | The thermistor of the freezer section is faulty | Check the whole harness after unplugging the unit. Reconnect the harness if it is loose. But if the harness is well connected, consider replacing the thermistor |
d on the Refrigerator Display | A stuck air damper will cause this error code to appear | Unplug the refrigerator and check to see if the air damper is stuck in any position. If it is, replace the air damper because it is bad |
18F on the Freezer Display | When the temperature of the freezer is too high, this code will appear | It is called over-temperature. It can be caused by power failure or when the power cord of the refrigerator is not plugged in properly |
CF on the Freezer Display | A communication error between the user interface control and the main control board has occurred | Check the connections of the wire harnesses of both boards. If they are properly connected, then change the user interface control. But if the error code returns after this, the main control is the problem, replace it |
01 | The water dispenser of the refrigerator is faulty if you see this error code | Take a look at the connection of the water fill valve. If it is connected properly, then check the water valve. If nothing is wrong with it, consider replacing the main control board |
02 | The air damper is not closing or opening as it should if you see this error code | Check the damper to see if it is stuck closed or open without moving. Replace it if it is stuck. But if the damper is working fine, then the main control board is faulty. Consider replacing it |
03 and 04 | Check the condenser fan or the evaporator fan for faults when you see this error code displayed | Be sure that all the connections to the motors are working fine. If they are, check the fans for faults. Replace them if they are not. But if they are working fine, then the problem could be from the main control board. Consider replacing it |
05 | When you see this error code, check the temperature sensors and connections to see if they are working fine | In particular, check the defrost thermostat of the freezer as it tends to become faulty easily together with the main PCB - If that sensor, along with the PCB and other sensors, plus the connections are all in working order, then the problem could be from the main control board. Consider replacing it |
06 | This error code indicates that the refrigerator sensor cannot be detected or read | Test it for resistance and replace it if there is no resistance or it is at infinity |
07 | The defrost heater cannot be detected or read if you see the error code displayed | The problem could be from the main control board, the defrost heater or the connections of the wires - Reconnect any loose wire and check the wire harness for faults. If all is well, check the defrost heater with a multimeter for continuity. If it doesn’t have continuity, replace it - But if the heater has continuity and the wire connections are okay, check the main control board |
08 | Check the main control board to see if there are burns on it | A faulty main control will cause this error code to appear. Contact a qualified technician to check it to be sure and replace it if it is faulty |
-7 | This error code signifies that there is a problem with the electrical supply | The beep of an alarm usually accompanies the code. Press the alarm reset button to clear the code and keep the alarm from beeping. Then, check the power cord and the power supply to the refrigerator. If there is a problem with the supply, use an alternative power supply |
Whirlpool Refrigerator Repair and Maintenance Parts
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