Maytag Lid Switch Fuse Replacement

If the fuse in the lid switch assembly has blown, this usually is because the main lid switch contacts have "tacked" closed at one time and the monitor switch ( smaller switch ) will blow the fuse so the washer cannot work with the lid open. This is a built in safety feature. Normally the washer will not fill when the fuse has blown. Many times if the fuse is just replaced on it's own, it will blow again. The lid switch should be replaced all together....a kit with all the switches can eliminate future problems. A common one is pictured below.

lid switch fuse

The newer lid switch assembly has a higher rated fuse as well.

A tip from Paul - After replacing the lid switch assembly if the machine fills up with water and stops - The lid switch assembly is adjustable. It can slide closer to or farther away from the actual lid. In my case I had a repairman come out who showed me all I needed to do was slide the new assembly closer and then everything worked perfectly.

lid switch

Related items, further info:

For help on the newer style lid switch used on Maytag washers, please see about this style of a switch here

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