GE Dryer Motor Replacement

GE motor replacement instructions

(Click on the picture to make it bigger)

When replacing a motor ALWAYS write down the color and #'s of the wires BEFORE removing them!! The wiring diagram can assist is finding what color wire goes where....look carefully at the wiring diagram that came with your dryer....see the motor section. Normally the motor switch wires are marked as E.G. - M5 and that wire will have a color code, M1 and a color code, M4 and a color code and so on. The #1-2-4-5-6 on the wiring diagram is the same #'s that is on the motor switch.

The motor switches have really gone through some physical changes but the wire#'s appear to remain the same/similier...

GE motor terminal connections

GE motor 1

The above motor switch as an example is wired... #2 - Black, #1 - Purple, #4 - Brown, #5 - Orange, #6 - Yellow.

GE motor 3

The above motor switch as an example was wired...#1 - Black, #2 - Purple, #4 - Brown, # 5 - Red, # 6 - Yellow

GE motor 2

The above motor as an example is wired...#1 - Black, #2 - Purple, #4 - Yellow, #5 - Red, #6 - Pink. Green is the ground.

idler pulley

Yet another motor and wire switch....

General Electric Dryer Parts

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