Ice maker Repair Help

Ice maker repair aid on many subjects pertaining to icemakers, water lines, water dispensers....

Always remember Electricity is dangerous and should be treated with respect.

Please pick a topic by Make and or problem...hope you find this helpful :-)

A good place to start is figure out which style of an ice maker you have...especially if you are going to ask a question about icemakers in the QandA section.

  • Whirlpool Old-Style Icemaker

    1. Whirlpool Old-Style Icemaker, GE & Frigidaire Icemakers as well

    Click pic for larger image

  • Whirlpool Modular Icemaker 2

    2. Whirlpool Old-Style Icemaker, GE & Frigidaire Icemakers as well

    Click pic for larger image

  • GE Old Round Cube Icemaker

    3. GE Old Round Cube Icemaker

    Click pic for larger image

  • Flex tray old style Icemaker

    4. Jenn-Air, Admiral Flex tray old style Icemaker

    Click pic for larger image

  • GE newer style icemaker

    5. GE newer style icemaker

    Click pic for larger image

Samsung ice maker 1ice maker
Samsung ice maker 2ice maker
Samsung ice maker 3ice maker
LG ice maker 1ice maker
LG ice maker 2ice maker
Maytag ice makerice maker

  1. Amana/Maytag bottom freezer icemaker tip
  2. Fill valve "cheater" cord test
  3. Flexi style ice makers
  4. GE style newer icemakers
  5. GE icemaker leaking
  6. Hollow ice cubes
  7. How much water should a common icemaker fill up with?
  8. Icemaker emittor and receiver board testing
  9. Ice maker troubles - won't fill with water
  10. Ice Maker is overflowing and leaking into the ice bucket
  11. I would like to install my own water line for my icemaker
  12. Installing a shut off valve help
  13. Ice maker odor troubles and what can be done to help with them
  14. Important Disclaimer
  15. John Guest Fittings Helps, Tricks and Tips
  16. NEWLG Ice Maker & Water Dispenser Repair Tips and Helps
  17. Module style icemaker service information - many fridge's use this style of a icemaker
  18. My Ice maker and water dispenser are starting to slow down on filling with water
  19. My water dispenser has white flecks in the water...what's up?
  20. Older style icemakers common problem
  21. Where is the water filling adjustment made?
  22. Whirlpool Refrigerator Not Producing Ice
  23. Whirlpool Faulty Icemaker
  24. "Y" hose for icemaker broken helps - especially Amana

Ice maker troubles: Won't fill with water -

The ice maker will not fill with water - There are a few things to check is a ice blockage in the fill spout tube, this is the hose that caries the water into the freezer section and to the icemaker. If the elbow & tube has a ice blockage, it is usually best to replace the fill valve and the shut off valve. A very LARGE problem in the last few years has been the self piercing shut off valve clogging up with calcium and junk! Replace the self piercing shut off valve with a drill type shut off valve. You drill a 1/4" hole into the pipe and install the shut off valve the same way you would with a self piercing valve. If the fill spout hose is clear of ice, possible the fill valve has failed. You can test the fill valve coil several ways, ohm test - check coil on fill valve for continuity - no continuity = bad valve, volt test - cycle icemaker and check for 100-110 volts to fill valve....proper power to the valve and no water usually = bad fill valve. You can also make up a test cord and put 110 volts to the fill valve alone to see if it is capable of passing water in to a bucket. If the water supply lines are ok and the fill valve is functioning properly, you probably have a icemaker problem and may need a new one. This test cannot be done to all refrigerators, if any doubt post your full model and serial #'s in the Q&A section and we will check on this for you.

Hollow ice cubes:

This is often a low water problem, the fill valve and shut off valve are bad for getting a build up inside them that slows the water pressure to the icemaker. I find it best to replace them both for this type of problem. A very LARGE problem in the last few years has been the self piercing shut off valve clogging up with calcium and junk! Replace the self piercing shut off valve with a drill type shut off valve. You drill a 1/4" hole into the pipe and install the shut off valve the same way you would with a self piercing valve.

Ice Maker is overflowing and leaking into the ice bucket:

There are several things to check for. Go for the easy stuff first, make sure the ice maker is level, some of the plastic liner fridge's will move and allow the icemaker to tilt over and leak. Other troublemakers..... the fill valve staying on and over filling the icemaker..... the finish sometimes comes off the icemaker body and all the ice cubes don't come out. This will allow the new water to fill on top of an icemaker that still has a ice cube or two left inside the body, if you have had trouble with black specs in your ice cubes, this may have been the beginning of your finish problem on the icemaker body. On the module style ice makers (Whirlpool, Maytag Family, Sub Zero) the printed circuit in the module head often wears and the contacts become too long and allow the icemaker to over fill = new ice maker or new module head.

Also see leaking from the Flex style ice makers.

Older style icemakers:

This gear is bad for breaking and the ice maker quits turning to eject the ice. You can remove the front cover to see the gear. This is a common parts breakdown of the older style icemakers ( GE used many of this style ).

Water fill volume:

The water fill adjustment screw will change the fill volumes by changing the fill time. One half to one full turn usually ( approx ) is equal to 20cc ( 0.68oz ) to 40 cc. The correct fill is usually 130 to 150 cc ( 4.5 to 5.0 oz ). When a water valve is replaced the fill volumes must be re-checked!!

In-Line filters:

Many newer refrigerators with ice and water dispensers have built in replaceable water filters. After 6 months to a year, these filters will become full of chemicals that they have remove from the water and are becoming plugged up. This will dramatically slow down and drop the water pressure to the water dispenser and icemaker = smaller ice cubes, very slow chilled water.

screw-in filter twist-filter

Flex style ice makers

Flex style ice makers have a plastic tray that turns and flexes to release the ice cubes. The plastic tray often gets a calcium build up on the plastic tray, the bottom of the cube sections will feel rough if you rub your finger on it. This roughness holds the cubes in place and prevents them from be dispensed during the ice maker cycle. When all the ice cubes do not come out, the ice maker calls for water that will fill on top of the cubes that are left in the tray = leaking all over, or one huge ice block. The tray can be clean by soaking it in vinegar over night, but I find that often replacing the tray is the best idea. Just remove the clip on the end of the tray and pull it off towards you.

Refrigerator Ice Maker & Related

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