Ice maker Odours

Ice cubes have odour/taste troubles:

  • Use the ice regularly. Discard old cubes. Ice stored for extended periods of time will absorb odors which effect the taste.
  • Ice storage bin needs to be emptied and washed.
  • Unsealed packages in the refrigerator and/or freezer compartments may be transmitting odors/tastes to the ice cubes.
  • Interior of the refrigerator may need cleaning.
  • Water chemicals. Installing an in-line filter can help with many odour/taste complaints.
  • An open box of baking soda in the refrigerator section can help with preventing the transmitting of food odors.

In-line water filters are fairly easy to install and usually come with instructions.

Even when your well or municipal water supply provides healthy, potable water to your ice maker, some impurities may remain. These can affect the smell or taste of the ice cubes, and therefore the beverages in which you serve them. A taste and odor water filter on the incoming water-supply line--such as our charcoal "Universal Replacement Water Filter"--can help a lot.

Also, over time, the ice cube bin can absorb difficult-to-remove odors from the freezer. Some manufactures recommend that you replace the bin every 2 to 3 years, whenever it seems to be retaining objectionable odors and transferring them to the ice cubes.

Refrigerator Ice Maker & Related

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