Help Wiring a 279827 Dryer Motor

Dryer Motor 279827

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  1. disconnect power first!
  2. Remove the old wires from the motor writing down the colors and #'s of each wire. *( this is important )*
  3. Remove old motor ... see how to take apart if needed to access the motor ...
  4. Install the new motor
  5. Remove the blue wire that is connected from the terminal # 4 on the new motor to the thermal overload switch ( see the picture of the motor on the right side above
  6. Cut off old terminal and crimp the new terminal provided on the black wire from # 6 on the old motor and the white wire from # 5 on the old motor.
  7. Remove the red wire from terminal # 2 from the old motor and install on the terminal # 2 on the new motor.
  8. The black wire that went to terminal # 6 from the old motor, now install it ( with the newer smaller terminal ) onto # 6 on the new motor.
  9. The white wire that went to terminal # 5 from the old motor, now install it ( with the newer smaller terminal ) onto # 5 on the new motor.
  10. The red wire that was on terminal # 1 on the old motor goes onto terminal # 1 on the new motor.
  11. The blue wire from terminal # 4 on the old motor goes onto the motor thermal protector terminal. This is the terminal left over from the removed blue jumper wire....please see the right side picture above.

Related item: This style of dryer has a fan blower threaded onto one end of the motor shafts, the fan blower is a left hand thread. See this for how to get the fan blower off of the motor shaft.

Dryer Parts