Whirlpool Refrigerator Dispenser and Thermostats Not Working

Reference Model: WRF990SLAM02

Problem: Dispenser not dispensing any ice or water and condensation has built up in the fridge. Condensation problem solved by installing the adaption kit W10612142 - Icebox adapter but caused the deli bin thermostat to malfunction. Dispenser control board and main control board have been replaced but the dispenser and deli drawer thermostat are still not working properly.


Check and make sure the control board is sending power to the water valves. On this model, there is a valve for the dispenser, a valve for the ice maker and an isolation valve that is powered through a pair of diodes that needs to open when either of the other two are energized. Additionally, check that the deli drawer board is receiving 14V DC directly from the board. Refer to the Whirlpool Job Aid linked below on this model.

Job Aid is Linked Here

Some Whirlpool Refrigerator parts for our reference model#

EveryDrop Ice & Water Refrigerator Filter 2

EveryDrop Ice & Water Refrigerator Filter 2

Item Number EDR2RXD1

In-Door Ice system ice maker assembly

In-Door Ice system ice maker assembly

Item Number WPW10764668

Primary water inlet valve

Primary water inlet valve

Item Number W10865826

LED light with splice connectors

LED light with splice connectors

Item Number W10695459

Refrigerator Repair and Maintenance Parts

Related Links

  1. Refrigerator Filter Parts
  2. Refrigerator Ice Maker and Related Parts
  3. Refrigerator Defrost Thermostat and Sensor Parts
  4. Refrigerator Motor Parts