Maytag Dependable Care Washing Machine Off Balance

Resetting a Maytag dependable care washer lid switch....

Maytag's dependable care model washers have a built in off-balance mechanism that can/will shut off the washer during the spin modes if an off-balance load occurs. Instead of allowing the washer baskets to crash and bash around, Maytag uses the lid switch and off-balance mechanism to shut the washer off to protect the washer. You may check on the washer and see the timer dial pointing in one of the spin modes and the washer is sitting there "dead". Do not push in the timer button. You must lift the lid all the way will/should hear a "ka-klunk" noise, this is the off-balance mechanism resetting when you open the lid fully. Do not forget to rearrange the clothes in the basket and then close the lid and the washer should continue through the cycle.

The odd time a really violent or funky off-balance load has occurred and the lid switch assembly has been bashed and broken. If this has happened, you will need to access under the washers top panel and either repair or replace the damaged part.

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