GE manual-cleaning range error codes:

These error code explanations can help you diagnose a problem with your GE free-standing range.

Code Meaning Possible Cause Possible Parts
F0 Stuck or shorted Cancel/OFF key Unplug the range for 3 minutes to reset the electronic control board and then restore power. If the code returns, replace the electronic control board Electronic oven control board
F2 Oven over-temperature If the oven actually overheated, the electronic oven control board likely has a stuck relay; replace the electronic control board. If the oven is at room temperature, the oven temperature sensor could be defective. Unplug the range and measure the oven temperature sensor resistance using a volt/ohm meter. If the resistance isn't 1100 ohms at 72 degrees F, replace the oven temperature sensor. If the resistance is correct, replace the electronic control board Oven temperature sensor, Electronic oven control board
F3 or F4 Oven temperature sensor failure Unplug the range and measure the oven temperature sensor resistance using a volt/ohm meter. If the resistance isn't 1100 ohms at 72 degrees F, replace the oven temperature sensor. If the resistance is correct, replace the electronic control board Oven temperature sensor, Electronic oven control board
F5 or F8 Internal failure in the electronic oven control Unplug the range for 3 minutes to reset the electronic control board and then restore power. If the code returns, replace the electronic control board Electronic oven control board
F7 Shorted key on the electronic oven control board Unplug the range for 3 minutes to reset the electronic control board and then restore power. If the code returns, replace the electronic control board Electronic oven control board

General Electric Range / Cooktop / Oven Parts

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