Electrolux Dryer Throwing Error Code E61:

Reference Models: EFDE317TIW2

Problem: Unit is throwing a code E61 - Heater relay error. Error surfaced after replacing the main control board and wiring harness to fix a non functional UI and an E92 error code. Both boards have been replaced and the error code 61 is still displayed.


The heater relay is on the main control board. An E61 error code usually indicates that the heater relay is not closing and allowing the L1 side of the line to flow to the heater.

An E92 error code usually indicates one of the two boards are either the wrong part number or they are not operating for some reason. Since both the heater relay and the UI board both operate on 12vdc supplied by the power supply on the main control board, check is the 12vdc supply to those components. Are you losing it somewhere or is there a 12vdc short somewhere in the system? On this machine, the door switch is called the door safety interlock. It is switching the 12vdc when closed to the components mentioned above. Check that first. An open door switch or one that closes intermittently would cause the symptoms you are describing.

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  2. Electrolux Dryer Axle, Roller, Pulley Parts
  3. Electrolux Dryer Control Boards
  4. Electrolux Dryer Fuse or Sensor Parts