Dishwasher Fill Hose

Hose ready to burst

A/washer rubber fill hose can for sure burst. Shut the water taps off when you are away on vacation and in between laundry days. If you want to help remove this trouble maker, install stainless steel hoses. They can be expensive, but will be much cheaper than mopping up the basement or laundry room. See the lower hose on the picture below...

Stainless steel dishwasher hose

Built in dishwashers should have the hot water line made either from copper or a similar substance. Often a rubber or plastic hose is installed because they are cheap to purchase. These rubber and plastic fill lines often burst. This could damage your house cabinets and your insurance may not help if the dishwasher has not been installed properly. A stainless steel fill hose line is available for the hot water feed. See picture above... (the upper hose)

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