Bosch newer dishwasher error codes:

Reference Model: None

If you are getting a dishwasher error code, it means something needs your attention or some maintenance might be needed. Some of these codes can go from something easy to fix, like adjusting the water pump and cleaning your filter, to something more complex that you might need a qualified technician to resolve.

Code Meaning Possible Cause Possible Parts
E12 Limescale build up Dishwashers are used on a regular basis which means that limescale can build up quickly, especially in hard water areas. To keep your dishwasher working as efficiently and effectively as possible, and to ensure your dishes come out perfectly clean, regular de-scaling is important Dishwasher Cleaner
E14 Flow meter failure Indicates a flow meter failure or an issue with water flowing into the dishwasher or the filling system Flow meter, fill valve
E15 Water in the base trough Indicates that the safety switch has detected water in the base of the dishwasher. Your leakage protection system has activated. Need to check why water is leaking into the base. leaking part(s) would have to be determined
E16 & E17 Water filling the system Indicates an issue with water flowing into the dishwasher or the filling system. The water may not be able to enter the dishwasher Fill valve, fill hose
E18 Water flow into the dishwasher Indicates there is an issue with water flow into the dishwasher. The cause of this error code happens when the water level is too low, or water is not being pumped correctly Fill valve, house water supply, fill hose, flow meter
E22 Filter is blocked Indicates that the dishwasher filter is blocked. The filter is the area where food particles get caught and it needs to be cleaned regularly. Remove the filter to make sure it is not clogged Filter
E23 Issue with drain pump Indicates there is an issue with the drain pump. This happens when the drain pump is blocked, clogged, or faulty Drain pump, drain hose
E24 Dishwasher not draining It means that the dishwasher is not draining properly due to the drain filter being blocked Drain pump, drain pump filter, drain system restricted
E25 Drain pump blocked, drain issue, filter clogged or pump impeller is jammed Indicates the drain pump is blocked or the drain pump cover is loose or missing Clogged drain pump, clogged drain hose, drain pump cover
H24 24 hour delay Unplug dishwasher for 3 minutes to reset Remove power, press and hold the start button for around 10 seconds to reset it once turned back on

Bosch Dishwasher Repair and Maintenance Parts

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