Dishwasher Access Panel Removal

There are many different styles of dishwashers built today. One of these should point you in the correct area's to look for the screws that hold the access panels on the dishwasher. Remember, remove power first.

The most common configuration of the access panels used today...


This is the newer "over sized" door, looks like a one panel front, but there still is small access panels on the very bottom....


Some Asko Dishwashers....

2 Torx # 20 screws hold the toe plate on. Once toe plate is off, 2 Torx screw hold the lower panel on and the 2 brackets the hold the toe plate on have a springy locking tab, press the tab away from the bracket and the brackets will pull straight out. The service panel has 4 or 6 Torx screws holding it on, 2 are pointing up in the corners.

Removing the inner door panel on a older style Maytag dishwasher - picture one, picture two.

Some Kitchen Aid, Whirlpool or Kenmore Electronic dishwashers...

Access help....Outer panels - Control console.

Dishwasher Repair and Maintenance Parts

Some Access with take apart helps and tips for dishwasher:

Danby Dishwashers

Bosch Dishwashers

Frigidaire Dishwashers

GE Dishwashers

KitchenAid Dishwashers

Samsung Dishwashers

Whirlpool Dishwashers

Related Links

  1. Affresh Dishwasher Cleaner
  2. Finish Detergent Booster
  3. Water Hardness Test Tabs