About the System:
Most SXS and bottom freezer refrigerators now utilize an RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) water system. The RFID system is designed to alert a consumer when a filter should be replaced or if there is a leak at or around the water filter. When a leak is detected, operating voltage will not be sent to the water valve to dispense water and/or fill the icemaker. The RFID system consists of a RFID detection control board in the filter housing and a water filter with a RFID tag.
About the Water Filter:
The RFID tag is an electronic chip which is built into the backside of the filter label. Each RFID filter tag has a unique serial number which the main control board will recognize and store for the life of the main control board. A wicking paper is also integrated into the label around the RFID chip to allow the chip to detect a leak.
A service bulletin from GE is linked here.
General Electric Refrigerator Parts
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